Privacy thanks you ("You", "Your") for visiting our freeride games website (the "Site"), our services and/or applications (the Site and said services and applications, the " Services"). Your privacy is important to us. To better protect Your privacy when using the Site and/or any of the other Services, and to ensure You are aware of relevant data protection issues, we request that You carefully read this Privacy before accessing any of the Services. Please note that by accessing and/or using any of the Services and/or part or feature thereof, You represent that You have read this Privacy, understand it, accept it and agree to abide by its terms.

Collection and Processing of information

Generally, we do not collect personally identifiable information about living individuals who can be identified from that information or from this information in conjunction with other information or that may be held by us ("Information"). However, for specific purposes (detailed in this Privacy), we may collect certain information and/or portions or characteristics thereof, e-mail addresses (-using To communicate with you about the services and/or your account with us, to respond to your inquiries, and to provide the marketing materials detailed in this Privacy.

CHILDREN thirteen (13) years old and younger: We do not knowingly collect or otherwise Process (as such term is defined below) information from children 13 years old and younger. Since the Services are designed to appeal to a broad audience, we urge parents and guardians of children at any age (and particularly 13 years old and younger) to monitor their child's access to and use of the Services, since it is their responsibility to determine whether any portion of the Services is inappropriate for their child.

Each of, the Data Processors (as defined below) and third parties operating advertising through the Services, may gather certain non personally identifiable information ("Non-information") about You and/or Your usage of the Services and/or any part thereof (such as, but not limited to, the pages You visit on the Site, the applications used by You, advertisements you view in any application within the Services and progress You made in any game distributed via the Services). Non-information gathered and tracked will not be used to attempt to identify You personally, but may be used for effective advertising on the Site and/or other part of the Services.

You acknowledge that information regarding Your usage of Services (such as, but not limited to, the applications used by You, how long You use them and the ways in which You use them (collectively, Your "Usage Information")) may be provided (without specifically identifying you) by to Data Processors (as defined below) and third parties operating advertising through the Services, to provide general statistics about usage of the relevant Services (when examined together with usage information of other users of the services).

In addition to the purposes of collection of Your information (both information and Non-information) as detailed above, You acknowledge that sometimes the collected information is used also to: improve the design and content of the Services, enable us to personalize Your experience, manage and target advertisements and perform market research analysis.

Various actions may be implemented with respect to information and non-information, intended to enable the operation and/or maintenance of Services and to fulfill the purposes of collection thereof (as detailed in this Privacy), including, without limitation, recording, holding and destroying it (each such action a "Process"/"Processing"). Processing may be done by and/or by a third party acting on behalf of and on the instructions of (such third party a "Data Processor"). Processing may occur in a country or continent other than from which You accessed the Services, and may be automated and may be manual. It is our policy to take all necessary steps to ensure that Processing of information held by us is done fairly and lawfully.

By accepting this Privacy You agree to Processing of information (including the mere obtainment thereof). However, You acknowledge that Your consent for Processing is not required if the Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which or the Data Processor, as applicable, is subject.


You acknowledge that in order to enhance Your experience with the Services, our web pages may place in Your computer's browser 'cookies', which are text files that store the IP address of Your computer and this way enable tracking Your preferences by showing which websites You visit. By themselves, cookies do not reveal Your e-mail address or other information except for the IP address, but once information is collected from You (pursuant to this Privacy) it may be linked to the data stored in the cookie. Basically, we use cookies to understand Your usage of our services and to improve and adjust the content we offer; more specifically, we use them for recognizing Your visits to the Site, tracking Your browsing history and learning through where You arrived at the Site. You should be aware that cookies placed by us as aforesaid will enable identifying You across our various websites. Since placement of cookies is essential for offering our services in the level and manner designated by us, we kindly request that if You decline placement of cookies by us as aforesaid - You refrain from accepting this Privacy. You may disable cookies placed in Your computer's browser by following the procedure here.

You also acknowledge that third parties operating advertising through the Services may place cookies in Your computer's browser for examination and record of Your online behavioural advertising, so as to enable offering You advertising which may be of interest to You. Such examination and record are done by tracking the advertisements You view through any application within the Services, and storing Your IP address (which may include a domain name), the name of the online game in which the advertisement appeared, the location, size, display time and display duration of the advertisement in the game, other information about the advertisement and about the game session and the date and time the above information is logged. Cookies placed by such a third party are not subject to our control but to such third party's policies, therefore we recommend that You read such third party's Privacy and ensure You agree to its terms. If You decline placement of cookies by such third party as aforesaid, or want to disable cookies placed in Your computer's browser by such third party – please follow the relevant instructions or procedure in such third party's Privacy.

Delivery of information and marketing

For enhancing Your experience with the Services (including new services and applications), we wish to be allowed to send You various marketing materials via e-mail; therefore You acknowledge that Your provision to us of Your e-mail address constitutes Your consent to receive such marketing materials. At any time after providing us Your e-mail address You may withdraw Your consent to future receipt of such marketing materials, by using the relevant address or link for applicable opt-out requests provided within the e-mails in which we send such marketing materials or by sending us an applicable request, clearly stating Your e-mail address and request.

Transfer of, and access to, collected information

You acknowledge that we may transfer Your information (including information) to any of our direct affiliates and to Data Processors (provided that we will transfer information to Data Processors where required for Process of the information and does not deviate from the purposes for which the information was collected), including such that are located in a country or continent other than from which You accessed the Services. Additionally, You acknowledge that third parties performing functions on our or a Data Processor's behalf (such as technical support services) may need and so obtain access to our or the Data Processor's databases and servers, which may contain information about users. We act reasonably to ensure that any third party to whom information is transferred uses adequate security measures for protection thereof and undertakes to comply with the requirements of applicable law concerning data protection. If You are under the age of 16 years, You should not consent to transfer of Your information to a third party without the explicit consent of Your parent or guardian, which should be provided to us. information transferred by us to a third party is encrypted and protected by Firewall and AntiVirus applications.

Your rights

You acknowledge that such information will be used by the third party in accordance with such third party's Privacy, and therefore we recommend that You read it and ensure You agree to its terms. The same applies with respect to a third party's service or website if You visit it through a link from any Services, as we have no control over (and are not responsible for) information that is submitted to, or collected by, such service or website.

To enable us to efficiently handle Your communications to us, You should clearly identify Yourself in each Data Access Request, Complaint and other communication You deliver to us.

You may also:

Request us to provide You a copy of's Internal Data Protection Policy, and we will send it to the email address You provided.

Enforce this Privacy as a third-party beneficiary, directly with - through the means detailed herein, or through placing a claim with a competent authority or court in California, USA or in the country from which You accessed the relevant Service.


Any information You provide to us, to a Data Processor and to any other third party acting on our behalf, whether with relation to use of or registration to any of the Services, must be accurate and truthful.

Any information collected by us and by any other acting on our behalf, and all communications and information transmitted, received and/or contained in our information systems, are our property. In the event that we sell or transfer any of our business assets, this may include the sale or transfer of such property to the acquiring party.